Sunday, April 12, 2015

It's Finally Sinking In . . .

Took daughter Laura to the airport today, my wife's father Wayne yesterday, and my sister Astrid left Thursday; all were here to bear witness to my induction last Wednesday, April 8th, into the University of Minnesota Academy of  Distinguished Teachers, and to receive my Morse Alumni Distinguished Teacher Award.

It's finally sinking in . . .  what a huge honor this is, and what wonderful support I received from family and staff.   Laura came from England (as part of a business trip) and Astrid showed up at the ceremony, both as a complete surprise!  And it can be said  that I had the largest cheering section in the crowd; many staff, alumni and students witnessed my induction by President Kaler, who identified this as the highest teaching award at the University.

So how does one thank all these people?

Now of course I knew about the award and the ceremony, but predicted that the thank you message, that was directed to be short (30 seconds!) had all the potential for thankful redundancy, so naturally I decided a different tack was in order, and kept this as my thank you surprise, delivered to unexpectedly rapt attention and wide appreciation:

Oh my!  To thank you in a minutes' time,
I find it appropriate, to do so with rhyme!

So what do you think, as a teacher at heart
This builder will thank you with rhythm,  to start:

Dr. Kaler, Regent Brod , Ms. Wick and Tschirner
Today less a teacher, and more a learner!

I've learned it is, for Michelle, Geoff and Lynn
Upon whose support, I count this Morse win.

Or my valuable partnership: Megan, Ann and Liz
For without them less focus, on just the right quiz.

Pamela, Christiane, Kim, inspire my course design
For writing and Moodle, oodles of time

To my industry partners, a foundation deep and wide,
I have learned the many benefits, of you at my side

To all CCE: Kathleen, Bob, and Mary, my Dean,
I wouldn't be standing here, or so it seems,

For 18 years you have let out the leash
And enabled me, empowered me! just to teach!

But the real mentors here are my wonderful students
Who inspire and teach me, discipline and prudence

You long suffer'd my humor and relentless passion
To learn of my industry - architecture, construction.

To Ben, to Lauren, Ann, Mark and Tim, 
As students and faculty, you support'd my whims

But thanks most of all to my family, far 'n near
To Becky, Ryan, Laura: for your support these many years!

To Laura especially, as she hatched this ploy,
From England she came, to witness my joy!

My Mission I've learned:  to think and inspire!
Now by my effort, this Morse I acquire.

So thank you, THANK YOU,  ALL for this Morse
For now it is time . . . . I return to my course!